Preparing Anita's Retrospective: 40 Years of Printmaking

Wednesday 5th October 2022 at 14:13

For the past four months, the Eames Fine Art Atelier has been taken over by the cataloguing, photographing, framing and sorting of Anita Klein's 1300 different original prints. We have the most beautiufl, tender, funny and moving works from the past 40 years and it has been an absolute joy to re-visit some of these image again. So many of the works have been sold out and not seen for many years. The works we've been cataloguing have come directly from Anita's personal archive. 

We are very excited to be able to offer so many of these works for sale at Anita's retrospective exhibition which opens on the 12th October. So many of these works haven't been available for many years so our work on which works will be available has been top secret!

Now that we are at the last week before the exhibition opens we are preparing to move these works over to the Gallery, Print Room and Collectors' Studio. There we will exhibit as many of these incredible works as we can fit on the walls! The rest will be in browsers and portolio boxes and on this website of course for you to browse through.